This kit includes the packages listed below. If you want to customize these technologies, you can look at the pro package.
Expo SDK 51: https://expo.dev/changelog/2024/05-07-sdk-51
Usage programming language: Typescript
React Navigation: https://reactnavigation.org/
Firebase: https://firebase.google.com/
Firebase Auth
Firebase Crashlytics
RevenueCat Provider: https://www.revenuecat.com/
Nativewind for styling: https://www.nativewind.dev/
Thanks to Nativewind, you can also use Tailwindcss features in your mobile project. https://tailwindcss.com/
Redux Toolkit and Redux Persist
React Native Hero Icons: https://heroicons.com/
React Native Vector Icons: https://icons.expo.fyi/Index
React Native SVG
Some absolute paths for Developer Experience ( eg: @components, @utils, @assets )
Multiple Languages ( i18n ) Localization
Some utils function for responsive design ( calcFontSize, calcWidth, calcHeight)
Custom font: Roboto: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto
Networking provider: If there is a problem with the user's internet connection within the application, an alert is displayed.
Linear Gradient Package: Easily create beautiful gradient designs.
A ready eas.json file for EAS build
Notice: Before the development build, the .info.plist and Google-Services.json files for Firebase must be in the main directory.